Energy already made an occurence within my bachelor whithin Creative Electronics in which I made a small interactive tool to play with different energy sources. Since then it has become a recurring sustainability issue within my master, where the accessibility of the issue, yet difficult implementation of solutions to solve the issue, has been an fascinating aspect. How can progress be made in such an area, that everyone knows needs to change?
case study
In the second year of Sustainable Development we were challenged to fulfill a project with the expertise of the different tracks the study provides. Within this project I worked for the client De Natuur en Milieufederaties and was asked to dive into the potential ecological impact the different new forms of energy production and storage could have that are needed for the energy transition in the Netherlands. While being extremely challenging as information and research on newer technologies as aquathermal and geothermal energy is limited, it made me dive into the structure and approaches that are taken by the government on different levels to tackle the energy transition.
Interest and movement
This large assignment sparked more interest in the energy topic, and therefore has become an area which I would like to pursue within my career if possible. A major reason for this is the goal set by the Dutch government to become gasfree in 2050. It is at large clear that steps have to be made to reach these goals, however the transition is facing different issues that are up until now not really explored yet. There are of course issues of technological nature, however there are also governance and societal issues arising. Think of people placing heat pumps individually, which causes issues with converting the entire street or neighbourhood, or simply where ownership and therefore responsibility and communication falls. There are many hurdles to be overcome that were not seen previously as a transition of this scale has not occured yet. Being able to help in this positive movement is therefore something I would love to invest my energy in.